Platform: C#, MySQL, JavaScript, Html, GeoServer, OpenLayer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
Sunwoda: listed as SZ.300207, is the world leading 3C battery manufacturer, which accounts for over 40% of iPhone’s batteries. It hires 40,000 workers daily on average in 2021.
Has been using Oracle EBS as its primary ERP for 5 years, not a clue of how the ebb and flow of daily income looks like, nor what are the principal factors that affect it. Pricing policies are slow, inaccurate, and rely heavily on human experiences. Our product, GAIA® SMART ASSET has now being serving more than 35 shopping malls, and 15 office buildings, a total area of more than 38 million square feet of properties.
(ep)2 simulates the discrete process of how 1,050,000 materials become 200,000 products and their cost structure.
By using (ep)² as their primary financial BI, they now base their entire pricing process on the result of such simulation and analyses.
Client: Cisco®, Mitsubishi
Fortune 500 Ranking:212,482
Platform: C#, MySQL, JavaScript, Html, GeoServer, OpenLayer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
The system works as two parts:
A non-sensible, fully automatic attendance record-keeping system;
Based on individualized algorithm, the system offers each employee their own personalized optimization guidelines for indoor commuting and selection-of-route.
Clients:CCB, CMB, CMBC, NBBANK, CZBANK, SHRCB, ICBC, CIB, Xiamen Intternational Bank Co., Ltd.,Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank,Pudong Hengtong Rural Bank
Platform: C#, MySQL, JavaScript, Html, GeoServer, OpenLayer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
It has been so hard to make accurate property appraisals in the real estate market, even with Zillow® or Redfin. However, GAIA® constructed the first for-business AI appraisal system for second-hand housing, and have been serving clients such as CCB, CMB CMBC ,for more than 2 years. It reduced the appraisal cost for banks by over 95% and waiting time by over 99%.
Client: COFCO
Fortune 500 Ranking:121
Platform: C#, MySQL, JavaScript, Html, GeoServer, OpenLayer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS
This is the first of its kind - Based on video-headcount hardware output, this system works to: first visualize the behavioral pattern of shopping mall customers in a purely visual, quantitative, and measurable way, and then make predictions on their future distributional patterns.
To receive and manage large volume from shopping malls’ video capture system and customer head count data and transform it into visible, LBS friendly data. To receive and manage large volume from shopping malls’ video capture system and customer head count data and transform it into visible, LBS friendly data. To receive and manage large volume from shopping malls’ video capture system and customer head count data and transform it into visible, LBS friendly data.